Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama - Audacity - and a book that tells ALL

When Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination, many had high hopes that his breakthrough would move American social consciousness forward into a post-racial era. Many thought the time had come when candidates would be judged by their qualifications and dedication to our country, not by their race.

To see why it is impossible for Obama to play this transcending role, read his autobiography: "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance." His Dreams are obsessed with race and race conflict.


With his new all-black identity, Obama stews about injustices that he never personally experienced, and feeds his warped worldview by withdrawing into a "smaller and smaller coil of rage." He lives with a "nightmare vision" of black powerlessness.
Obama says that the hate doesn't go away. "It formed a counter-narrative buried deep within each person and at the center of which stood white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."

Obama's worldview sees U.S. history as a consistent tale of oppressors and oppressed. He objects to the public schools because black kids are learning "someone else's history. Someone else's culture."

He even criticizes his white grandparents who worked hard to give him a privileged life. Their motives are a mystery to Obama because they came from the "landlocked center" of the United States which, he asserts, is full of "suspicion and the potential for unblinking cruelty."

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