Monday, February 23, 2009

DOYLE pushes domestic partner benefits

We could have predicted this.

From Wisconsin Family Council:

In his budget address this past Tuesday, Governor Doyle announced that he is proposing giving benefits to people in domestic partner relationships. Noticeably absent were any details. When we were able to look at the 1800-page budget bill (AB 75), we found many, many details--details that showed a radical social agenda being proposed. Beyond that, it is highly likely that what the governor is proposing in his statewide domestic partnershp registry and benefits for those in the registry is unconstitutional.Suffice it to say, what we saw, demanded that we contact our attorneys and get them involved immediately. So, I have already spoken with attorneys at Alliance Defense Fund who are working with us to determine next steps. We've done numerous media interviews over the past few days and have issued an initial press release on this matter. One thing we know is that members of the Joint Finance Committee, where the governor's budget is now, need to hear from citizens. If you click on the link at the end of this message, you can send an email to all of the members of the Joint Finance Committee. We've given you a message you can use, or you can edit it as you wish, which we highly encourage you to do. Let these senators and representatives know you want the domestic partnership registry and the health-care benefits for state employees in domestic partnerships stripped from the budget!


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