Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where is everybody?

I have been thinking these same thoughts and was going to blog it this week. Call Me Mom got it down perfectly, so I'll just post her comments here. Specifically, I am wondering...WHERE ARE ALL THE MEN? I mean, the DADS, THE PASTORS, THE HUSBANDS, THE COLLLEGE YOUTH....THE GODLY CHRISTIAN MEN? This flows right in line with the previous posting from Charlie Sykes.

"Why do we have such problems finding good people to serve in positions of leadership in this country?

I've heard it said that "Character is what you do when no one is looking." The implication being that if your behavior in public is consistent with your behavior in private, then you have strength of character. In my opinion, character is only one half of the equation when we are considering to whom we should give our votes. Character may be what you do when nobody is looking, but leadership is what you do when they are. Character in private does nothing for those who would otherwise be strengthened by your actions. Leadership is crippled when it is not accompanied by good character.

That said, I ask again, why do we have such problems finding good people to serve in positions of leadership in this country?

I submit to you that it is because We the People have become lazy and lacking in discernment. We have before us, in these last months three wonderful examples of what happens when lack of character meets lack of discernment.
I shall start with Mr. Franken.


READ THE REST HERE: http://iratetirelessminority.blogspot.com/

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