Friday, February 13, 2009

I support Rose Fernandez - VOTE on TUESDAY

Rose Fernandez will receive my vote for Supt. of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) because:

1. She supports giving parents choices in educating their children. *VITAL*

2. She opposes mandating the controversial HPV-Gardasil shot for 6th grade girls -- a bill we thankfully defeated last Session but will likely return this Session because of its multi-million dollar pricetag.

3. She supports the expansion of School Choice (should the liberals kill this vital program this Session, look out taxpayers, taxes in out-state Wisconsin will go through the roof.)

4. She homeschooled her children and is a strong supporter of homeschooling.

5. She fought for Charter Schools last Session and has a full understanding how the liberals work at the Capitol.

6. She understands Planned Parenthood's push to establish their "Comprehensive Sex Ed" program in each of Wisconsin's 400+ school districts.

7. She is well aware of the DPI's promotion of homosexuality in the schools, the Gay-Straight Alliance, the Day of Silence, Bullying policies, etc.

8. She supports Merit Pay for quality teachers.

9. She supports the QEO - the Qualified Economic Offer - a serious friend to tax-strapped taxpayers. Should the well-entrenched WEAC teachers union be successful in getting Doyle to strike down the QEO this Session, again plan to see your taxes go through the roof.

There are 5 candidates in the race for Tuesday, February 17th. The 2 top vote getters will battle it out during the General Election on Tuesday, April 7th. (Thus, next Tuesday, I will be voting for Rose Fernandez as my first choice and Van Mobley for my second choice.)

Order your absentee ballots now or make arrangements to show up at the polls next Tuesday and take along with you 50-100 of your closest friends. This is a defining moment in Wisconsin. Christians have a serious opportunity here. Pro-Family advocates need to mobilize like never before in an effort to take back Wisconsin's schools from the Radical Left that is indoctrinating our children with their liberal socialistic values.

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