Thursday, February 26, 2009

West Bend Libary issue with GAY books for CHILDREN moves to Board

Next Tuesday at 7 p.m. the West Bend Libary Board will have open discussion for community members on their offering of homosexual books for 11-17 year olds in the YA Zone (young adult).

Met with Library Director, Michael Tyree, last night. Nice guy, amicable conversation, respectful. Despite his stance, he was easy to talk to and I wouldn't have a problem talking to him again.

Here is the gist of the meeting:

He says he understands (thought he said "agreed", but cannot verify this in my notes) with our moral values, but says librarians cannot censor books. We told him he WAS censoring books by not offering a "balance." We also told him that we are requesting a "ban" on the The Perks of a Wallflower book.

Would not address our position as parents as "pornography is in the eyes of the beholder." (His words.)

Could not give criteria for selecting books other than "valid and valuable resources." (His words.)

Stated "West Bend is not a homogeneous community; we are now becoming diverse." (Don't agree. This is clear indoctrination.)

He won't remove the books (says he can't), but he will work on finding a bunch of faith-based and ex-gay books to balance both youth AND adult sections. No promises. (We told him he might as well do the adult section, too, or we would be back in his office again and it will waste both of our's time).

We signed the form that said we did not come to a full agreement. They won't take down the web site. They would "balance" it, though, if they "could."

He plans to present his conclusions of our meeting at the Library Board meeting next Tuesday night.

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